Доводы рассудка / Persuasion (2007) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Юная Энн Элиот была помолвлена с Фредериком Уэнтуортом. Мистер Уолтер Эллиот вместе с приятельницей убедили Энн порвать бесперспективные отношения, так как Фредерик не богат. Наивная девушка не посмела ослушаться отца, и разорвала помолвку. Спустя восемь лет семейство Эллиот переживает финансовый кризис. Уолтер сдает в аренду родовое имение, а сами переезжают в дом поскромнее. В поместье переезжает сестра Фредерика с супругом. От нее Энн узнает, что Уэнтуорн занимает высокий ранг на корабле, и пока холост. Немного позже девушка получает предложение о замужестве, но ее мысли заняты Фредериком. Кому отдаст предпочтение Энн?
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aback abide able about above absence absent absolute absolutely accept accepted accepting accident accomplishments account acquaint acquaintance acquainted active added addition admiral admiralty admiration admit affectionate afraid after again against age ago agony agree agreeable ahead
air alike alive All alliance allow allowance allowances allowed almost alone along already also altered Although altogether always am amiable among amuse an and angry Anne ANNOUNCING another answer answered anxious any anyone anything anywhere apologies
apothecary appear appearance appears appetite appointment approach approachable approval are around arrive arrived as ashore ask asked assistance assizes assure assured astonished astonishes at attached attachment attempt attends attentive authority avoid avoided await awaiting aware away
back bad bade balls baronet baronetcy Bath be bear beautiful beauty because become becoming been Before beg began begin beguiling begun
behalf being believe believed bell bells belonging beneath Benwick best better between beyond big birds birth blame blameless bless blooded bonds
bookish bore borne both bottom bound bow boy break breathe briefly bring brings broke broken brother brought Buildings But by
call called calling calls Camden came can cancelled cannot canvas capable Cape capital Captain care career careful carriage Carteret case Catch cause Cavendish certain certainly chance chanced change changed character charged charities Charles charm charming CHATTERING cheerfulness
Cheering child children choose chosen circumstances claim Clay clear clearly clever cold collarbone come comes comfort comforts coming command commission common companion company compared complain compliment compromising conceal concern concerned concert condemns condition confess confident confidently congratulate
deny depends description descriptions deserted deserve designing desire desires destitute destroyed determined did died differently digestion dignity dine dined dinner directly disagreeable disappoint disappointed dislike
dislocated distinction distinguish distinguished distressed diverts do does doing done door doubt Dowager down drawing drawn dreadful dreadfully dress dressmakers drove due duties duty
each eager early earnest earth easily East eat economy education eight elder eldest elegant eligible Elizabeth Elliot Elliots else elsewhere employed end endlessly
endure engage engaged engagement England enough ensure entangled entirely equal establish estate estrangement Even evening event ever Every Everybody everything everywhere Evidently
face fact failing faint familiar family fanciful far farm fashionable fastidious fate Father fatten fear fears feebleness feel feeling feelings fell fellow felt
female few fickleness find fine finest finished firmly firmness first fit fitting Five follow followed folly fond fool foolish for forever forget
Forgive forgiven forgot forgotten formed former fortunate fortune forward found Frederick free frequently friend frigate frightful frights from full furnishing further future
gain gallant garden gathering general gentleman gentlemanly get getting girl girls give glad glasses go God godmother goes going gold gone good Goodbye got grateful gravely great greatly grieved grow growing guess guests gun
had half hand hands handsome handsomest happen happened happens happier happiest happiness happy hard hardly harmony Harriet Harry Harville has hate
have having Hayter Hayters he head healer hear heard hearing heart heartily hearts heavens heir Hello help Henrietta her here high
highly him himself his Hmm home honour Honourable honourably honoured hope hoped hopeless hopes hour house how however humble hundred husband
I idea if ill imagine immediate immediately impassioned impossible improves in inconstant inconvenience inconvenient Indeed indication Indies indifferent indiscreet indisposed infinite informed
inherit inheriting insist instead intended intention intentions interest interested intimate into introduce introduced introduction invitation invite invited inviting Ireland is it its
James join jolly judge just
keep Kellynch kept kind knock knocked know knowing known knows
Ladies Lady larger last late law learn learned lease least leave led left less lessening let letter liberty life like likely
likes liking little live LIVELY lives loathe local lodging London long longer longest look looking loss lost Louisa love loved lovely
madam made make male Mama man manner manners many marketplace marriage married marry marrying Mary match matchmaker matter may me mean meaning
means meantime meet meeting memories men mention mentioned mere merry met middle might mile mind minded mine minute misinformed Miss missed
mistaken mistress Mmm model moderation modest money MOONLIGHTSONATA morbid more morning Mortimer most mother much Musgrove Musgroves MUSIC must My myself
name native nature natured naval navy near nearby nearly need needed needs neglect negotiations neighbour neighbours never Nevertheless new news newspapers next night no nobility nobody None nonsense nor nose not note Nothing novels now number
objection obliged obscure observe occasion occupying of off offence offensive offer offered officer officers often Oh old on once one oneself only open opportunity or other otherwise ought our ours ourselves out outside over
packing paid pain painful pale Papa paper pardon parents parish part particular parties party pass passed passion past paths pay Penelope people perfection perfectly perhaps permission permit perpetual person persons
persuade persuaded persuasion pierced pine pity place places plain plan play pleasant pleasanter Please pleasure plenty poetry point points Pooles poor position possession possibility possible pray precious prefer preferred presence
present preserving pressed pretext pretty prevent prevented pride prime privately profound profoundly programme prolonged prominent promise promised proof proper proposal proposed prose protection provide providence providential providing provoke prudent Pump
quick quickly quite
rain raising rally rather read readily reading reads ready real really recall receipt received recent recently recommend reconciled reconciliation recover recovered recovering recovery red refer
respect respectable respects responsible rest restored retired retrenchment return returned returning reveal rich right ring road Rooke room roomier Rooms round rude ruinous rumour rumours
sacrifice Sadly safe said sailor same satisfied satisfy save saw say saying says scarcely school scruple sea second secrecy secret see seeing seem seems seen seize seized select self selling send sending sensational sense sent separation separations servants service set settle settled sex shakes shall shame She Shepherd
shift ship shockingly shooting short shot should shown Shropshire shrubberies shut sick sickly sight simply since sincere sincerest Sir sister situation small smallest smiles Smith Smiths so society solvent some somebody someone Somerset something sometimes somewhat somewhere sons soon Sophy sore sorry sought soul sounds source south Spanish
spare spared speak speaking spend spirit spirits spoil spoken spread Square Squares starved state stay stayed staying still stir stopped straightaway strangers study Stuff subject substantial such sudden suddenly suffer suit suitable summer sundered superior suppose sure surely surgeon surname surprise swear sweat sweet sweetness sworn
take taken taking talk talked talking taste Taunton tea tell temper tempered tenant tenants terms terrible tested than Thank that the their them
themselves then there they thing think thinking thinks thirty this those though thought thoughtless thoughts thousands through throw throwing till time timidity
tired title to toast today together told tomorrow tonight too took towards tree trial trip trouble true truly trust truth twice two
unable unaffected unattached uncertain unconstant under understand understanding undoubtedly undue unexpectedly unfeeling unfit unfortunate Unfortunately unguarded unhappy union Unjust unkind unnecessary unpacked unpleasant unsuitable Until unwell up upon Uppercross urgent us used uses usual utterly
venture very vigilant Viscountess visit voice
wait waited waiting wake walk walking Wallaces Walter want wanted war warm wartime was waters way we weak weaken wealth wealthy weather wedding week
Welcome well went Wentworth were Westgate What whatever when where whether which while who whole whom why widow wife will William wind winter Winthrop
wisely wish wishing with within without woman women wonder word words world worse worst worth worthy would wound wretchedness write written wrong wrote
years Yes yesterday yet you young your Yours yourself
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