Если свекровь – монстр… / Monster-in-Law (2005) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Чарли - красивая, предприимчивая девушка, которая мечтает встретить мужчину своей мечты. Работая официанткой на фуршетном приеме она знакомится со сногсшибательным красавчиком Кевином. Мужчина влюбляется в Чарли с первого взгляда. Несмелые ухаживания быстро перерастают на новый уровень. Кевин делает предложение возлюбленной. Не задумываясь о возможных последствиях Чарли соглашается стать его супругой. Но побочный эффект в виде фанатично оберегающей сына матери никто не отменял. Виола - в прошлом популярная журналистка. Она изысканна и утонченна. Женщина недавно пережила карьерный кризис, и прошла реабилитационное лечение у психолога. А тут сын вздумал жениться! Да еще на той, которая не проходит по ряду причин на роль невестки! Чем разрешится семейный конфликт?
2. Добавляй в личный словарь и тренируй их на Puzzle English
Фильм Если свекровь – монстр… на английском с английскими субтитрами
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able abortion about absolute absolutely accurate acres active actor actually added admit adoption adores advice afraid Africa after again age Agency ago agreed agreement ahead air airport albums alcohol alien
All allergic allergies almost alone already Also alternatives although always amazing amber Amir ancient and Andy Angeles animals announcer another answer anti anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere
apart apartment apologize apology appeal approval apron Are Arert armor arms around arrest arrested arrive artist as ask asked ass asses assistant assume at ate attack Aunt autograph away Awkward
babe baby back backbone bad badly bag balloon balls band bank barbecue bare barely basement basically bastards bay Be beach beautiful because bed been before beginning behaving being believe belong Benji
Besides best better beyond big bigger bin bird birthday bit bitch biting bits black Blaire blame blonde blooming blow blueberries body bond bonnet Bonus book booze born both bother bottle bottom
bought boundaries BowFlex box boxing boy boys break breakdown breakfast breath bride bridesmaids brilliant bring bringing broke broken brown Brunei buggy bullshit bus business busy But buy buying by Bye
cabinet caffeine cake cal California call callback called calling calls came camera Camille can canary cannot car cardiac cards care cared career Careful Carol carriage Carrie carrying casa cast caterer catering cathedral caught caviar celebrate celebrities center ceremonial chair Chairman challenging Chamberlain champagne
Chan chance chances change changed Char Charlie Charlotte charms chasing chat check Cheers cheeseburger Chewable Chewing child Chinese chit choirs choose Christmas church circumstances clarinet Classy clean clear client close closely closer closest closet closeup closing clothes coach cobbler cockatoo cocktail coffee color
colors Come comfortable coming Commerce commercial compared complete completed completely completes compliment concerned conference confident Congratulations congratulatory considering contacts continue contract control conversation cooking cool could couple course court couture CPR crap crazy credit crime criminal cry crying cue culprit cup currently cut
dabble dad Dalai damn damned danger darling Darlings date daughter day days dead deal dear Dearest death debt decaf decide decided decision Deep definitely defrost delicacy delicious demographic demographics
denominational design destiny destroy destroyed did die died difference different difficult dignity dinner disagree disappointment disaster Disgusting dislocated dive divine divorced do doctor doctors does dog Dogg dogs doing
doll done door doors doves Dowd down downstairs Dr Dragon drank drawers dress dressing drink drinks drive driving drizzle Drop drove drugs drunk dry Dubuque during duties
each earth earthy easily easy eavesdropping eccentric edge edgewise eggs either else embarrassed embarrassing emergencies emergency Emmy Emmys emotional end ended enemies engaged
engagement Enjoy enjoying enough entered entire epiphany erection escape Especially estate euro even evening ever every Everybody everyone everything Evian evil exact
fabulous face fact falling family famous fan fans fantastic far farm farther fashioned fat father fault favorite feel feeling feelings feels feet fella felt few fewer fianc?e Fields
figure figured final finally find finding fine finger finish finished Fiona firearms first fish Fisher fit fitting Five fix Flat flight flip Flirting flops flower fly foaming for
forever forget forgive forgiven forgot formal fornicating found four Francisco Frankenstein freak freaking Free freelance fresh freshener Friday fridge friend friends fries from front fun funny future
game garden gardens gather gave gay gaydar gee geese generation genes genitalia George Gertrude get getting giant gift girl girlfriend girlfriends
girlie girls give given giving glad glance global go goals God goes going gone gonna good Goodbye goodness Gore got
gotta graciously grades grandchildren grandma grandmother grandson gravy Grease great green grew groom Gucci guess guest guests gun guy guys
habit had hair half hand handsome hang happen happened happiness happy hard harmless has hat hate hats have having Hawaii he head hear heard heart
helicopter hell Hello Help her here hereditary Hey Hi hide hides high higher him himself his history hit hits hm Hmm hold holding Holidays Holy
home hon honest honey honeymoon honor Hooch hook Hooters hope hopefully horoscope horrible hors horse hospital hot hours house How huge hungry hurry husband hydrogen
ice iced idea idiot if ignore illegal illnesses imagine immediately important in inches include incredibly indoor influence influencing information innocent insane insensitive
inside insipid insist instead instructor intact interesting interrupting interview interviewed Intimacy into Introduce introduced investigating invitation invited inviting involved iris is it
Jackie jar jeans Jesus jewelry jobs joke journalist Juiceman just
Karma Keep keeping keeps kept Kev Kevin key kid kidding kidney kids kill killed killer killing kind kinky Kiss kissing Kissinger Kit kitchen knight knock know known knows
lab lady Lama last lasted late later Latina latte Laureate law lawn lawyer League Leap learned least Leave leaving left Legally legend lesbian lesbianism
Let life lift light like liked likes Lilly limit line liposuction liquor list Listen listening little live lived lives living loaf location lock long
longer Look looked looking Looks loony Los lose losing lost lot Lots love loved lovely lovers loves low luck lucky luggage lunch lvy lyrics
mad made magic maid main make makes makeup making Mama man manager mani many Mao Marie mark market marriage married marries marry marrying martini marvelous match matching matron matter Maui Maureen May maybe me
mean meaning means meant med medical medicated medication mediocre meet meeting men mentioned Mermaid message met middle midterms might miles million millions mind minding mine minimum Minister minivan minute minutes miserable miss missed misused
mix mobile mom moment Mommy Monday money Montana Montecito month months mood more Morgan morning most mostly mother mourning mouth move moved movie movies moving mowing Mr much Muhammad Murphy must my myself mystery
Nada naked name named names near necessary need needed needs negative negotiate neighbor neighborhood nerve nerves nervous network networks never new newspaper
next Nice night nighttime Niketown nipples no nobody non none nonfat Nope nosy not Nothing notices nourish Now nowadays number nuts
object obvious occasions occurred ocean odd of off offended office Ok okay old older on once One ones only open opens opinions
Oprah options Or oranges order ordered other Otis ought Ouh our out outdoor outdoors outfit Outside over overwhelmed Ow owe own
pad page paged painful pajama parents part parts party passed past path Paul peach Peanut pedi people perfect performs peroxide person Peru philosophy phone pick picked picture pie piece pills pimp
pizza place plan planner planning plate platter play playing playoffs plays please pleased pleasure Poet point pointed poison poke pools pop possible possibly post practically predictable pregnant prenuptial prescribed present
president presidents pressing pretend pretty priceless priest Prime Prince private probably problem problems project prom promiscuity promise promised promising property prove psychiatrist psycho psychotic Public puffy pure pushing pushy Put
question questions Quick quiet
raid raise raised ran rash rather ratings read ready real realize Really reason recall recital recognize record red redo refused rehearsal
ribbons rich rid ride ridiculous right robe Roe Romance room roommate rose roses round royalty Ruby Rude ruffles run running rush
sacked sacred sad saddles safety said salad sale same sample San Sarah save saves saw say saying says scared scary school scootch second Secretary See seemed seems seen sees segment sells send sensation sense sent serious Seriously service set setting settled sex sexist sexuality sexually shall shampoo She shellfish shining shiny shit shock shoes short shortly shot shots should show shower
shrimp Shut sick sign significance signing silly since sing singer singing single sink sir sister Sit sitting sketchbook skidding skin skip slap sleep sleeping slow slut small smarter smell smothered snapped Snoop so soccer socks soda sold solicited solution solve some somebody someone someplace something sometime sometimes somewhere son Soon sorry soy sparkling speak special specially specialties speech spell spend spending
spent spin Spirit spiritual spoil spoke sport spring St Stan stars start started starters starts stay stayed steak step stick still stitches Stop story stove straight straw strawberry Street stress string strong stronger stuff stunner stunning stupendous stupid su subletting Such sudden suddenly Sultan sun support supposed sure surgeon surprise surprised surround sweet sweetheart sweetie swelling swells swimming swollen
take takeout takes taking talented Talk talked talking Tanya tap tape tarot taste tasted tea teach teatime technically tee television Tell telling Temp tennis terminal terrible than thank thanks Thanksgiving that the their them then
therapist therapy There these they thin thing things think thinking thinks thirsty This thorns those though thought three threw thrilled throat through throw thrown tickets tie tight till time times Tina tiny tired title to
today together toilet told Toledo tomato tomorrow tones tongue tonight Too top touch tough traditional tramp trampiest transcripts trees tried trip Tripe true Trust truth try trying tub Tuesday turned turning twice Two Tyson
Ugh Uh um Under underestimated unfair union unless unrealistic until unzip up upset upstairs us use used using usually utmost
vacation vagina vanilla veil verge versus very vibe Vidal View vintage Viola violent virgin vision vitamin vodka voice vote
Wade Wait waiting walk walked walker walking walls wanna want wanted wanting wants was waste watch watching water waxed way we wear wearing weathergirl weatherwoman wed wedding week weeks
weird Welcome Well Went were wet what Whatever when Where which while white who Whoa whole Whoo whose why wickedness widow will willing Willy win windows wine wings wish
with without wives woke woman women won wonder wondered wonderful wondering Woodstock word wore work worked working works world worried worry worrying worse worth would Wow Wrigley wrong
Yeah year years yelling Yes yet yoga You you) young younger your yours yourself
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