Мать и дитя / Mother and Child (2009) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Основной темой фильма является чувство материнства. В форме четырех новелл представлены истории четырех женщин, судьбы которых переплетаются между собой. Карен не ощущает радости жизни, потому что корит себя за чудовищный поступок. Будучи юной она отдала новорожденную дочь другой семье. Ее дочь Элизабет стала успешным адвокатом, жестко и хлестко относящаяся к оппонентам. Ее непреодолимым страхом является чувство привязанности. Она боится привыкать к людям, потому что не хочет больше переживать эмоции брошенного человека. Люси больше всего хочет стать мамой и прижать свою кроху груди, но это невозможно. А между тем, молодая и отчаянная девушка хочет отказаться от своего малыша в пользу другой бездетной пары.
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Ознакомиться с функционалом расширенного плеера можно тут ПЕРЕСТРЕЛКА / FREE FIRE (2016)
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Все фильмы с бесплатным доступом на английском находятся в отдельной категории.
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Все слова из фильма по алфавиту.Чтобы переводить слова на русский, прослушивать звучание слов на английском языке и/или добавлять в словарь для изучения кликаем мышкой на нужное слово.
Abdominal able about above Absolutely accept accepted acquainted across act active actually acute Ada address adopt Adopted adopting adoption adoptive affair affectionate afford afraid after afternoon afternoons again against
age ago agree agreed ahead alive all allow allowed almost alone already alright also alternatives always am Amy an And Angeles anger angry another answer any anybody anymore anyone
anything anyway apologize Apparently Appeals apple appointments appreciate approving April are area argument arguments arm around arranged as ask asked asleep asset at ate attention attorneys awake away
baby back background bad bakery bathroom Bay be because bed beddy been before beginning being believe belonged benefits best bet better between
big biggest Bill biological bird birth birthday birthing bit bitter black blame blamed bleeding bless blind blocking blood blow border born borrow
boss Both bow boy boys branch break breaks breast breath brief brother brought build building bullshit Burbank busy but buy by bye
call came can cannot car care career caring carrying case cases cashier cat Catholic causing cervix chance change changed character charm Cheers chemotherapy Chew chicken child children Christ Christi
chronic Circuit circumstances cited cities claim Clara class clean clear clients clinic clipping close closer coach coffee cold Colden college come comes comfort comfortable coming commitment communicate company Concerns
confused Connery consider consult contact control Corpus could Counselor Count counts County couple couples Court cowboy coworkers Cramps created creature cries Cristi crossing crowd cry cunt cup cut
dad damn damned dared dark date dating daughter day days dead deal death decide deciding delightful deliver delivered demand depends deserve design develop did die
died difficult dinner directly disappoint disappointed disappointment disorder distress divorced do doctor doctors does dog doing done door down downright dragged dream drink drove dummy
each early earn earth easier easily east easy eat eating effort egg either eleven Elizabeth Ella else
employee encourage end English enough entire envelope equally Escalante estimation even ever every everybody everyone everything Everywhere
face fact faith fall falls familiar family far father favor fear feed feel feelings feels felt Fever few fiction field
figure file files financially find finding fine finish fire fired firm firms first five flies flirting folks foot for forever
forget Forgive form forms forward found four freaky free fresh Friday friendly friends from front fuck Fucking fulfill fun funny
game games garage garden gasket Gave general generous gentle get gets getting gifts girl girlfriend girls give given glad go goal
god goes going gone gonna good goodbye got Gotta gotten grandfather grandmother graying great Grill grossly grow guardian Guinness guys
had Hailey haircut half hand handle hands handsome hanging happen happened happening happens happy hard harsh has hate have
having He head hear heard heart heartbeat hearted heaven heavyset hell Hello help Henry Her here hers herself Hey
Hi hiding high higher him his hog hold home hometown hope hopes hoping horrible hour house How humorless hurting husband
I idea identity idiot if Ignore imagination imagine important impose impossible impressive improvisation in inappropriate independence independent informal
information injuries inside insurance intended interest interests interrogate interrogated interview intimidating into invite involved is it its
Janelle jerk Jesus job join Joseph Joyce junior just
Karen keep keeps kept key kids kill killer kind kiss kisses knock knocking know known knows
lack landed last late later laughing law lawyer lawyers lead learn leave leaving legal legally let letter letters
Lewis liberal lies life like liked likes liking Linda lines list lists little live lives living local lock
locker lonely long longest look looked looking looks Los lose Loss lost lot Louise love loves low luck lucky
made Majesty make man Many Maria married marry Marshall Mary match math matters Maureen May Maybe me mean means medical meet meeting
Melissa Memorial memory men menu met middle might mija mildly milk mind minded minds mine minor minors minute minutes misplaced miss missed
Mistral momentum Monday money month months mood more morning most mostly mother Motherhood mouth move moved moving much must my myself
name naming nature necessary necklace need needed neither Nelligan nervous never new news newspapers next nice night nightgown
nights Nina no nobody Nonononono normally not nothing notice noticed November now nowadays nuisance number nurse nursing
obligated obscure Obviously of off office offices often okay old on Once one only open opening opportunity or other others Otherwise our ours ourselves out outstanding over overqualified own
Paco page pain pair parade parents part partially participate parties partners party pass passed passing past paths patient patients Paul pave paying peace
people perfect period person personal phone photo pick picked pie place placenta planned planning plans play playing Please pleased plenty positioning possibly Praise
precaution prefer pregnant prepare prepared press pressure presume pretty previa prince procedure professional professionally program project promotion protect provisions publish push Put putting
question questions quickly quiet
Rachel radio rain raised raising ran rarely rather Ray reach read ready realize really reasons recommending recording recuperating referred Regarding regret regularly reinventing relationship relationships
relatives relax religious remains remember remind report reporting rest restaurant result resume return returning right rigorously roll romantic rooms roots rude ruined rules runs rushing
safe said sake Same sample Saturday saw say says scared scares scary school Science Score seat Sebastian secrecy secret section see seem seemed seen send senior set seven several sex sexual sexually Shadow sharing she sheets shit shoes shopping shots should
shows shut side silence simpler since single sir Sister sisterhood Sit sitting six sizes skin slack sleep sleeping sloppy Smart smear smell smells Sneider So Sofia some somebody someone something Sometimes Sophie sorry Sparkling Sparrow speak speaking speech spend Spending spent
spit spoke spoken spotting spring stand stands stare start started starts stay step Steve Steven stick still stimulate stinks Stone stop story stranger strategy strength strengths successful such sugar sun Sunday supervisor support Sure surprise surprises Swallow Sweetie symptoms
take takes taking talk talked talking teach team tell temporary ten tenant tender term tests Texas than Thank Thanks that the their them themselves then therapist
therapy There These they thief thing things think thinking thinks this Thomas Thompson those though thought threatening three through tied tight time times timing tired
to today together told Tom tomatoes tomorrow tonight too took top towards Tracy training treat true truth try trying tubes Turn turned Twenty twins two
ultrasound under understand unfair Unfortunately units Unless unnatural unprofessional until unusual up upbringing upset upsetting us use used
Valentino value versus very Violet virgin visit voice
wait waiting waking walk Walsh wanna want wanted wanting wants was washed Watch water way ways We wear web Wednesday week weekend weight weirdo welcome
well Weller were Westside wet what Whatever when Where wherever which while whining White who whole whose Why wide wife Wilder will willfulness win wind
window wish wishes with without woman women wonder wonderful wondering word words work worked working works world worry worthless Would Wow write wrong wrote
year years Yes yesterday yet you young your yours yourself yourselves
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